Prof. Dr. Arnim Wiek
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Prof. Dr. Arnim Wiek ist seit 2024 Professor der Nachhaltigen Ernährungswirtschaft am Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Freiburg. Davor war er ab 2019 Professor an der School of Sustainability an der Arizona State University, USA. Gleichzeitig ist Arnim Wiek seit 2014 Gast-Professor an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind nachhaltige Lösungen für lokale Lebensmittelgeschäfte und Unternehmen, die eng mit Unternehmern, Regierungsgehörden, NGOs und anderen Stakeholdern zusammenarbeiten.
Ph.D., Departement Umweltwissenschaften, ETH Zürich (CH), 2005
M.Sc. Umweltwissenschaften, Universität Jena, DE; ETH Zürich (CH), 2002
M.A. Philosophy, Universität Bonn und Freie Universität Berlin (DEU), 1998
Berufliche Tätigkeiten
Professor, Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Freiburg (DEU), ab 2022
Gast-Professor, Universität Freiburg (DEU), ab 2021
Professor, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University (USA), ab 2019
Gast-Professor, Universität Utrecht (NL), Frühling 2018
Gast-Professor, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (DEU), ab 2014
Associate Professor, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University (USA), 2013-2019
Gast-Professor, Universität Tokyo (JP), Sommer 2009
Assistant Professor, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University (USA), 2013-2018
Gast-Wissenschaftler, University of British Columbia (KA), 2007-2008
Senior Researcher und Kursleiter, ETH Zürich (CH), 2005-2007
Aktuelle Lehre
Seminar Gesund, klimafreundlich und fair – Nachhaltigkeit in Betrieben und Sektoren der Ernährungswirtschaft, Sommersemester 2024
Seminar Nachhaltige Kommunalpolitik und Wirtschaftsförderung am Beispiel der Ernährungswirtschaft, Sommersemester 2024
Seminar Ernährungs- und Verbraucherökonomie, Sommersemester 2024
Ausgewählte Publikationen:
- Robinson, J., Alhakim, A.D., Ma, G., da Rocha Brando Fernandez, F., Braune, M., Brown, M., Crocce Romano Espinosa, D., Gorman, D., Hajer, M., Madden, J., Melnick, R., Metras, J., Newman, J., Raven, R., Smith, V., van der Lem, L., Wiek, A. (2023). Odd couples – reconciling academic and operational cultures for whole-institution sustainability governance at universities. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1949-1969.
- Schröder, S., Wiek, A., Farny, S., & Luthardt, P. (2023). Toward holistic corporate sustainability—Developing employees' action competence for sustainability in small and medium-sized enterprises through training. Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 32, pp. 1650–1669.
Burch, S., DiBella, J., Wiek, A., Schaltegger, S., Stubbs, W., Farrelly, M., Ness, B., & McCormick, K. (2022). Building resilience in and through SMEs. Urban Transformations., vol. 4, Article 12.
Carvalho, B., Wiek, A., Ness, B. (2022). Can B Corp certification anchor sustainability in SMEs? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 293-304.
Forrest, N., Wiek, A., & Withycombe Keeler, L. (2022). Accelerating the transformation to a sustainable food economy by strengthening the sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 6, 970265.
Lang, D.J., & Wiek, A. (2022). Structuring and advancing solution-oriented research for sustainability. Ambio, vol. 51, No. 1, 31–35.
McGreevy, S.R., Rupprecht, C., Niles, D., Wiek, A., Chabay, I., et al. (2022). Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world. Nature Sustainability, vol. 5, pp. 1011-1017.
Michel, S., Wiek, A., Bloemertz, L., Granchamp, L., Villet, C., et al. (2022). Opportunities and challenges of food policy councils in pursuit of food system sustainability and food democracy – a comparative case study from the Upper-Rhine Region. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 6, 916178.
Wiek, A., & Albrecht, S. (2022). “Almost there” – on the importance of a comprehensive entrepreneurial ecosystem for developing sustainable urban food forest enterprises. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, vol. 7, e220025.
Albrecht, S., & Wiek, A. (2021b). Implementing sustainable food forests – Extracting success factors through a cross-case comparison. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 183-200.
Albrecht, S., & Wiek, A. (2021a). Food forests – their services and sustainability. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 91-105.
Forrest, N., & Wiek, A. (2021). Growing a sustainable local grain economy in Arizona – A multi-dimensional analytical case study of an alternative food network. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 507–528.
Weber, H., & Wiek, A. (2021). Cooperating with ‘open cards’ – the role of small intermediary businesses in realizing sustainable international coffee supply. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol. 5, 663716.
Weber, H., Loschelder, D., Lang, D.J., & Wiek, A. (2021). Connecting consumers to producers to foster sustainable consumption in international coffee supply – A marketing intervention study. Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 37, no. 11-12, pp. 1148-1168.
Weiss, M., Barth, M., Wiek, A., & von Wehrden, H. (2021). Drivers and barriers of implementing sustainability curricula in higher education – assumptions and evidence. Higher Education Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 42-64.